What is Virus?


Virus stands for Vital Information Resources Under Seige. Virus is a harmful program written for destructive purpose. Different kinds of virus perform different kinds of activity. Some virus delete programs some virus replicate themselves and make their own copies.
Viruses are program in such a way that they could enter in the computer without the knowledge of the user.

What is Virus, Virus, Virus definition, full form of virus, symptoms of virus, Antivirus software, Antivirus

How does a computer virus attack?

Once a virus has successfully attached to a program, file, or document, the virus will lie dormant until circumstances cause the computer or device to execute its code. In order for a virus to infect your computer, you have to run the infected program, which in turn causes the virus code to be executed.

This means that a virus can remain dormant on your computer, without showing major signs or symptoms. However, once the virus infects your computer, the virus can infect other computers on the same network. Stealing passwords or data, logging keystrokes, corrupting files, spamming your email contacts, and even taking over your machine are just some of the devastating and irritating things a virus can do.

Symptoms of Virus 

  • System speed may be slow down.
  • System may hang up regularly.
  • Some programs stop working or misbehaving.
  • Strange massages appears on the screen.
  • Some data or programs may be missing.

Types of Virus

There are two basic categories of virus

1) Boot Sector Virus 

These virus attack on the boot sector of the floppy disk and partition  table of the hard disk. So the system could not be started.

2) File Infector Virus

These viruses attack on the executable files having the extension .Exe, .Com or .Sys.

How to protect you computer?

To protect your computer from viruses install any antivirus program in your system, update regularly. Some popular antivirus programs are Norton, NPAV, Casper, Quick heal etc. 

How to protect computer from virus, Antivirus software, Antivirus, What is antivirus


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